I can haz weblog?
Hey! My name is Matt. This is my blog.
I have been writing software professionally since 2001. While a portion of my early career was spent writing Visual Basic 6 — a period that I refer to as the "dark era" — I have mostly focused on the web. Specifically I am passionate about JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
You don't have a blog?
Over the course of my career I have intended multiple times to start a blog. But a few things have kept me from ever actually doing so. First I suffer from Impostor Syndrome. I figure I might as well be open and honest from the get-go. I have been reluctant to start a blog for the sake that I don't really feel like I have much to add compared to some of the brilliant minds that are already out there writing fantastic articles. Second I always thought that if I was going to have a blog, as a software engineer I should write my own blogging software. As things go I am always too busy with other projects and I have never have time to actually do this. In the end I guess in this case it's better to buy than to build.
Why blog now?
My motivation for having a blog is frankly self-serving. I want to document for myself the things that I learn. That said I sincerely hope that others will find some usefulness out of the process. As a disclaimer I don't profess to be an expert on anything, much less everything. I have been around long enough to have gained some wisdom and with that wisdom I have learned that the more I learn the more I realize how little I actually know. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism. As I said this blog is all about learning, both for myself and for others. I feel that learning can best occur in an environment that fosters encouragement. I intend to promote such an environment and request that others on this blog help do the same.
So here I am. I have finally bit the bullet. I have setup shop using Silvrback based on the recommendation of a friend and I'm going for it.
Open source hacker. Community organizer. Co-organizer @ReactRally. Software Sommelier.